“Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things out of your law.”

Psalm 119:18

Over the course of my life, whenever I loose focus, or start to feel a little down, it’s usually because I haven’t been spending enough time in The Word of Yahuah. Over the past several weeks, as Yah has been prompting me to spend more time with Him, it’s been helping me so much to feel more alive! The Law really is a light! Creating new content on YouTube is a byproduct of that light. I hope to keep sharing new scripture meditations every week @setapartheart. That way you’ll have something to enjoy between new music releases.

There are SO many golden nuggets in Psalms 119. I love that chapter. You may have already seen the scripture meditation that I posted on YouTube earlier this week. It’s called “Revive Me in Your Ways.” It’s based on excerpts from Psalm 119. Being the longest chapter in The Scriptures, if I had recorded the whole thing, it would have been a 20-30 min video. But this little 2 min scripture meditation is just long enough so you can play it again and again.

I pray this video helps The Word to go deeper for you. I pray it stays in your heart and mind, and helps to revive you if you’re feeling kind of cold. Remember, Proverbs 6:23 says, “For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:” The law is light. Let The Word bring of Yahuah breathe new life and light in you today, so you can rest and be restored in Him.

The footage in the video below was all taken at Yosemite International Park back in July 2020 when my husband and I hiked up The Mist Trail together. Since then we’ve been back to Yosemite several times, and every time we see something new. So if you like these clips, let me know, I’d be happy to share more of these moments in Yah’s creation with you! Enjoy the video below.

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

Psalm 119:105

One verse that isn’t in the video which I also love is Psalm 119:105. A sister on YouTube reminded me of it in the comments. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” The Law of Yahuah can bring you light on your darkest days. So if you ever feel dark or cold, especially on these cloudy winter days, choose to delight in the commands of Yahuah. I promise, it will change your life.

What’s your favorite verse in Psalm 119? Let me know in the comments below. And if you’re interested in me doing a full chapter scripture reading of Psalm 119 with Yahuah’s name – just a straight conversational reading, let me know that too. I know some people enjoy listening to the scriptures before going to sleep, while they sleep, or just while they are doing chores around the house. If that’s you, and you would enjoy having longer scripture readings in addition to these shorter meditations, I’d love to know your thoughts in the comments as well.

Ok, I’ll see you in the comments below!

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