Unanswered Prayer. You’re Never Alone.

Unanswered Prayer. You’re Never Alone.

Shalom 🙂 It’s Hadarah. I have some new music for you today! But first, a few thoughts to ponder.

How many times have you felt like your prayers have gone unanswered? Does it ever feel like it’s taking too long time to hear from Yah? When this happens, you might start to feel more and more alone. The new song I wrote this week reminds you that you’re never alone. I pray it brings you closer to Yahuah.

Having unanswered prayer is not an easy pill to swallow. Especially when you’re living what seems like a righteous life, or praying for things that seem to be in line with the will of Yah. But can we really know the will of Yahuah?

We can assume that we are praying according to what we think He wants for us, but sometimes, as humans, we can be a bit narrow minded. Wouldn’t you agree?

‘“For who has known the mind of יהוה? Or who has become His counsellor?” “Or who first gave to Him, and it shall be given back to him?” Because of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all, to whom be esteem forever. Amĕn.’

Romans 11:34-36

Personal Testimony.

My husband and I want to have children, but it just hasn’t happened yet. Every year as we get older, I start to wonder if it’s going to happen at all. Is Yah not opening my womb because He hasn’t heard my cry? Does it mean He doesn’t care? Is there something in my life that still needs to change? Is there some unconfessed sin?

The righteous cry, and יהוה heareth,

And delivereth them out of all their troubles.”

Psalm 34:17

Yah’s timing is perfect, and He always hears His children cry (Psalm 34:17). If it’s His will, for my husband and I to have children, it will be done. When it happens, Yah will surely get all the praise. But this week I started to consider the fact that just because Yah told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, doesn’t mean that is His plan for me personally.

Maybe Yah hasn’t given me children yet because he wants me to be free to write more songs to comfort his children before having to comfort my own. Maybe He wants me to finally finish the next album before I get even MORE distracted, and it doesn’t ever happen at all. Maybe Yahuah just wants me to be faithful in the few things He already gave me before He gives me more (Matthew 25:23). I pray Yah continues to mold my heart and allows me to fully submit to His will. The truth is, making music is still being fruitful, even if it’s not in the physical realm.

“His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and trustworthy servant. You were trustworthy over a little, I shall set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ ”’

Matthew 25:23

Have you considered how Yah’s plan might look different for you than what you expected? If you’re struggling with the same issue as I am, I know a lot of people do, and you’re not a musician or you don’t know your gift, there are still other ways for you to be fruitful. Maybe you can foster a child, or consider adoption. Maybe you can become a Big Brother/Big Sister, or just support the children in your extended family or friend group. Whether you’re a musician, teacher, doctor, lawyer, trash man, or tax man, Yah has a purpose for you life. He’s never going to leave you alone. He wants you to reason with Him so everything can be sorted out and settled. But we have to humble ourselves to hear His guiding voice.

‘Come now, and let us reason together, saith יהוה : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. ‘

Isaiah 1:18

Instead of making a scripture meditation this week, as I mentioned, I wrote a new song for you 🙂 The new song is called “Never Alone” and it’s based on a several different scriptures. Hebrews 13:5-6, Psalm 139:9-10, Deuteronomy 31:8, and Isaiah 1:18. They all came up in my personal scripture reading time, and praise Yah, a song came out of it! Yah willing I’ll still have time to make scripture meditation videos this weekend. I want to try some shorts. Subscribe to the scripture meditation channel for that. For now, I just want to share this new music with you. I know there’s someone out there who needs to hear it.

‘ If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. ‘

Psalm 139:9-10

I hope this blog post was meaningful for you, and that it leads you closer to Yahuah.

Leave a comment below and share your thoughts! If the message resonated with you, you can say “I’m never alone!” Share this with a friend if you know someone who needs to be encouraged. No matter what you’re going through, or what questions you have about life, remember, you are never, not ever alone.

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Unite my Heart to Fear Thy Name. Scripture Meditation.

Unite my Heart to Fear Thy Name. Scripture Meditation.

It’s easy to become complacent. At least, I know it is for me. After more than 10 years of walking with Yah, I sometimes find myself getting a little too comfortable. Whenever I think I have it all together, Yah sends me a reminder that I don’t. And I’m grateful for that cause it prompts me to reach out and rely on Him. I need Him to unite my heart to fear His name.

Scripture says in Psalm 53 that there is none who does good.

“Elohim looked down from the heavens on the children of men, to see if there is a wise one, seeking Elohim. They have all turned aside; They have together become filthy; No one is doing good, not even one.’

Tehillim (Psalms) 53:2-3

Even Yahusha himself said, in Mark 10:18,

“Why do you call Me good? No one is good except One – Elohim.”

So how can we ourselves ever come to the point where we feel we have arrived? Yes, Scripture calls us to be perfect, (Genesis 17:1; Matt 5:48), and I don’t believe Yah would ever instruct us to do something that couldn’t be done – by His strength. I do believe we can become perfect, or complete in Yahusha (Colosians 2:9,10), but we have to be careful not to ever think that we already know it all. It’s in those moments where we can sometimes become prideful, rely on our own strength, and fall. If our actions, our words, or our thoughts show that we are becoming puffed up, or even just double minded, then we have to examine ourselves.

Jeremiah 17:9 reminds us about the true state of our hearts. It says,

“The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked: who can know it? ”

This is why I believe meditating on Yah’s Word is so important. We need His word to overwrite the sin that is naturally in our hearts.

Psalm 86:11 was the focus of my scripture meditation this week. It’s a prayer to Yah to unite our hearts to fear His name. In this day and age, it seems most have lost the fear of Yahuah, especially His name. So I put Psalm 86:11 together with excerpts from various scriptures in a meditative form for you below. The video footage is all from clips that I filmed on my nature walks this week. You’ll hear sounds of nature, and also me playing the soft acoustic guitar. I pray the message of this scripture meditation calls you higher. It certainly did for me. Let’s continue to seek His face, and worship Him!

‘Teach me thy way, O יהוה ; I will walk in thy truth: Unite my heart to fear thy name. ‘

Psalm 86:11

Leave a comment below if Yah has been calling you higher. We can only reach those heights if our heart is united, not double minded, but singly focused on this walk of truth. Thank Yah for His mercy and forgiveness. Where would we be without Him?

Let us learn to fear the name, the character, and the reputation of Yahuah, so we can reflect the same to all those who have eyes and ears to see and hear it. May Yah bless you as you continue to meditate on His Word.

If this scripture meditation was meaningful for you, share it with a friend. It may be meaningful for them too. Okay, I’ll see you in the comments section below.

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Will He answer? Will He deliver? Psalm 91.

Will He answer? Will He deliver? Psalm 91.

Psalm 91 Scripture Meditation

“He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him”

Psalm 91:15

Psalm 91 reminds us that when we call on Yah, He will answer. It also reminds us that He will deliver us. So if you ever find yourself in a place where you are waiting on an answer from Yahuah, or waiting on Him to deliver, let the words of Psalm 91 remind you of just how beautiful the deliverance and protection of our Elohim really is.

There are so many examples of people in The Scriptures who had to wait on Yah for answers, or wait on Him for deliverance. Abraham and Sarah had to wait what seemed like a million years to have children. Jacob had to wait 7 years to marry Rachel. What about the woman with the issue of blood? And think of how long Joseph had to wait for his dreams to come true! Not to mention how long The Children of Isreal had to wait to get free from slavery in Egypt. But did our Yah deliver? Doesn’t He always come through?

Will He answer when you call? You may not know how or when, but you can always trust that He will. So keep the faith. You know Yah is always on time. Let’s meditate on His Word together.

I pray this scripture meditation on Psalm 91 encourages you. If you have a testimony of how Yah delivered you, or brought you through in the past, share that in the comments below. You never know who might need to hear it.

 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

Psalm 91:15

Leave a comment below and share your favorite part of Psalm 91. There are so many meaningful passages in this chapter. And if you have another scripture on your heart, you’re always welcome to share that too. You can also share a testimony of how Yah has delivered you in the past, or how He answered your call. Let all those who take the time to read the comments be encouraged! Somebody out there is still waiting to hear from Yah.

Ok, I’ll see you in the comments.

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Show Me Your Ways. Seeking Direction from Yah.

Show Me Your Ways. Seeking Direction from Yah.

Show me Your ways,

O יהוה;

Teach me Your paths.

Psalm 25:4

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn’t know what to do? I know I’ve been there before. When life throws you unexpected circumstances, how do you react? You might wonder which way to turn, or what path to take. You might wonder how to move forward, or whether or not to be still.

Psalm 25:4 says, “Show me Your ways, O יהוה; Teach me Your paths.” Let this verse be the prayer you call out when you need direction from Yah. The Scripture Meditation for this week is centered around that verse. There’s no music in this one. Sometimes it’s nice to just let the scriptures speak for themselves. You’ll hear little birds and nature sounds popping in and out of the background. The images are all video clips from my nature walks, home gardens, or time-lapses from my window.

I pray that meditating on the scriptures in the video below will help you to reach out to Yahuah. Whether it be in your morning meditation, or anytime you need to call on Him. Let’s allow The Word of Yah to penetrate our hearts to keep us truly set apart. You’re welcome to share your thoughts in the comments below.

“…Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: 

that thou mayest love Yahuah thy Elohim 

and that thou mayest obey his voice…”

Deuteronomy 30: 19b, 20a

Leave a comment below if you need Yah’s direction in your life. Don’t be afraid to share a testimony, or you can just say “Show Me Your Ways!” Yahuah knows we need Him. He’s just waiting for us to recognize the same. I’m so glad Yah never fails. He is always on time. And He’s always working things out for our good. Let’s continue to press in, and seek His face. (Psalm 17:15)

Ok, I’ll see you in the comments below 🙂

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Will you let Him be your Shepherd? Psalm 23.

Will you let Him be your Shepherd? Psalm 23.

Psalm 23 Scripture Meditation.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

John 10:27

My husband and I went for a nature walk last Shabbat. We just so happened to see this beautiful flock of sheep enjoying the grass and the trees. They were so happy, playful, and free. At the moment, it felt like Yahuah placed them there just for me – to remind me that Yahuah is my Shepherd.

Yah leads, Yah guides, and He always provides. Trusting His path will never lead you astray. You can relax in Yahuah knowing that the truth will make you free. I know you can identify with me!

I tried calling those sweet little sheep, and they just completely ignored me. They just kept enjoying the grass and the trees that Yah had provided for them. I wasn’t offended because John 10:27 came to mind.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

John 10:27

Have we structured our lives in such a way that we ignore all other voices but the voice of Yahuah? Or do we get too easily distracted by input from others? As you listen to this scripture meditation on Psalm 23, I pray that you’ll consider the place Yah has in your life.

If things in life haven’t been going the way you expected, or maybe you’ve been walking through a dark shadowy valley for a while… If it’s been some time since you acknowledged Yahuah as your Shepherd, or if you’ve been living life distracted by the world, and walking in your own ways – just pause for a moment. Remember how much Yah loves you. Let this Psalm of David, Psalm 23, minister to your heart and mind.

In the video below, you’ll hear some of the birds and natural sounds from our walk that day. You might also hear the gentle clanging of the sheep’s bell in addition to my soft acoustic guitar. If you feel so moved, let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I pray this brings you peace as you trust in Yahuah.

יהוה is my shepherd; I shall not want.

Psalm 23:1

So I ask you, will you let Yah be your shepherd? Will you trust Him enough to let Him lead? If you know that Yah is a good Shepherd, leave a comment below. Encourage those who might read it, with a quick word or another Psalm. If you need encouragement for yourself, and you need Yah now more than ever before, say “Yah, You are my Shepherd.” HalaluYah! We trust and believe, the truth will make us free. (John 8:32)

I’ll see you in the comments below 🙂

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